With the variety of Web Applications built into the Website Control Panel, you’re able to begin promoting your fresh web site, just after it has been created. Using the RSS News syndication software, you can easily place a consistently kept up–to–date notifications part in your website. With the GeoIP re–direction tool, you can quickly re–route your site visitors depending on their country. Also, via the Sitemap Generator, you can make a complete sitemap for your site and send it to the search engines.

A Sitemap Generator

Get a sitemap with all of your webpages in an instant

The easiest way to get your recently released web site indexed by the search engines will be to post a sitemap. The sitemap records all of the web pages on your website and by publishing it to a particular search engine, you notify it that you would like those pages to get scanned as fast as possible. Sitemaps are typically made by 3rd party applications. Nevertheless, here, you will not need to navigate out of your Website Control Panel. Our own in–house–built Sitemap Generator is integrated within the Advanced Applications area and is going to set up a sitemap for you in a mouse click.

All that you should do is choose the maximum quantity of web pages you would like to be crawled, the depth of the scanned hyperlinks as well as the format of the sitemap document.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Geographic location–based redirections with a click of the mouse

RapidFireDomains.com will provide you with a simple way to re–direct your clients based on physical location. With the GeoIP re–direction tool, you could re–direct all the customers who come from a specific region to a native language version of your web site. For example, in case you have an Italian translation of your website, you can easily forward all of the visitors coming from Italy to that particular webpage rather than asking them to switch to Italian when they open the English variant. This will help you offer your clients with a natural online stay from the start.

There’s no need for any specific capabilities or computer comprehension to employ the GeoIP redirection tool. Everything is done with a click.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Display the most current news within your web site

In the RapidFireDomains.com Website Control Panel, we have included an instrument, which lets you add publications from the trusted information channels in the world inside your websites, with just a mouse click. Our News tool works automatically and will not need any additional setup work on your end,

The RSS News Publication component is fully customizable with regards to HTML and CSS. You can easily change the actual number of news pieces that are going to be showcased, the way that they will look like, precisely how they will be arranged, etcetera.

RSS News