The term "disk space" is sometimes identified as "disk quota" or "data storage", however all these words refer to the very same thing - the volume of info that you'll be able to upload to a cloud web hosting account. The overall size of what you have is determined by accumulating the space taken by the overall content in the account, the most obvious being the files you upload. Two more things can often be ignored by many people, though - email messages and also databases. Sizable attachments or databases of big script-driven sites will often use a lot of disk space as well. To employ a more recognizable analogy, the hard drive space of your home computer is consumed not just by files that you download, but also by documents you generate as well as software programs you install. Similarly, numerous things are counted in the hdd space your data needs on a website hosting server, not just the uploads.
Disk Space in Cloud Web Hosting
We've created our Linux cloud web hosting service with the notion that the hard disk storage shouldn't be a problem for your sites. While many website hosting companies create accounts using a single server, and in fact, the most popular Control Panels were made to work solely on this type of platform, we have applied an alternative solution. We have clusters of servers that manage every single element of the web hosting service, to ensure that your files will be stored on one cluster, your email on a different one,the databases using a third one, and so on. Using this cloud platform we accomplish a few things - the hard disk space is virtually inexhaustible due to the fact that we can easily add as many servers and hard drives to our clusters as needed, and we increase the effectiveness of each and every machine as just one type of system processes will operate on it. This custom setup will help you develop your sites as much as you'd like without having to worry about running out of disk space.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers
With our semi-dedicated server plans, the hdd storage characteristic is not limited, so you are able to center on building your sites the way they should be and never be concerned about hitting a limit. Unlike numerous hosting providers that make accounts on a single server, we take advantage of a custom-built cloud platform, which enables us to offer you truly unrestricted disk storage for every single account. With a single machine, there're only so many hard disk drives that you can use, not mentioning that the most widespread hosting Control Panels are simply not designed to work with numerous servers concurrently. Our platform, however, functions with clusters of servers for the website files, emails and databases, and our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel was made to work with it. We can connect as many servers to any of the clusters as required any time, so the hdd space is practically inexhaustible.
Disk Space in VPS Servers
With all of our VPS servers, we offer sufficient disk space for your content that matches the rest of the server capabilities, consequently a better plan comes with a higher quota. You'll be able to use the space as you see fit, as there are no specific quotas for the web site files, emails or databases - they all share the whole hdd space on the server. Of course, in case you'd like to have some limitations, you're able to obtain your VPS plan with cPanel or DirectAdmin as the hosting Control Panel, and then you will be able to create hosting accounts with a limited volume of hard disk storage for each individual domain that you host on the server. If you'd like to have additional storage space at some time, you're able to effortlessly update your package with a few mouse-clicks and then the extra features will be included with your current account, so you won't have to move anything and all of your web sites will continue to be operational.
Disk Space in Dedicated Servers
The minimum disk storage that you can get using our dedicated servers is 500 GB. You'll have 2 HDDs, 250 gigabytes each, and it'll be up to you how you'll allot this space. You can have the hard drives in RAID, therefore all of your info will be protected as one drive will function as a real-time mirror of the other, or you'll be able to have them operate on their own, in order to use the full storage space volume that'll be at your disposal. The disk space of all of our Linux dedicated service is sufficient for everything - major web shops, data depository portal, individual archive copy, and much more. We'll never hold back your sites in terms of the space they need. In case that they start expanding, we provide you with the possibility to add further hard disks to your present server when needed. When you obtain the server with DirectAdmin or cPanel for the hosting Control Panel, you can create an independent account for each and every hosted domain and set a certain hdd space quota for it. With Hepsia all your domains will be hosted in a single and they'll share the overall server space.